[meetup] The freelance toolkit Almost a year in travelling from one data challenge to the next, I was invited to speak for Berlin Digital Analytics in MHP's office in...
Notes for a first data science project"Let's hire a data scientist and do some machine learning!" is a wonderful aspiration, very common among startupers today. Unfortunately...
(whitepaper) A universal data model for building personalised applicationsCreating a complete data-warehouse for both business analysts and data scientists to discover insights and build a fully personalised...
Intro to SQLAnyone blogging about data has his very own SQL tutorial. I built my first best version with a smart colleague of mine back in Berlin in...
Personalisation, now?A couple of months ago, I was invited to speak in LeROI's lovely office* about the key role of data specialists in making each...
The business data layerWhy bother maintaining dozens of ETLs, customer trackers, datetime and currency conversions and other data's darkest secrets? I asked...
Hello world!Summer 2018, second summer at JustWatch, the business-intelligence team is up and running, allowing to fully switch off from work during...
Career - from maths to productionSome weeks ago, as I was casually working from the (way too cool) rooftop terrace of The Hive coworking space in Bangkok*, my friend...