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Personalisation, now?

A couple of months ago, I was invited to speak in LeROI's lovely office* about the key role of data specialists in making each user-journey special. We explored quick data-hacks anyone with a little database could implement for data science in action!

My last meetup’s title had been “why you should not hire a data scientist”. Now I’m a freelance data scientist, looking for interesting challenges. Look at me, happily shooting myself in the foot!

Over the past years, my work has been focused on applying mathematical concepts from all data science techniques to business problems. For instance, getting to know your customers could be represented by a clustering analysis over their various forms of engagement with your product. A persona study results of finding groups in your weighted user graph, understanding what interest they share, and design adapted messages, variations of communications and dedicated features.

>> As a Freelance Data Scientist, I offer deep-dive analysis into specific business hypothesis. Get in touch, I would love to hear about your data challenge!

** Snowplow Analytics : brilliant tracking tool and so much more


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